
哈喽,大家好,我是XX,一名致力于Filecoin&IPFS 生态建设的KOL, 目前在各大媒体上拥有总共5万+的粉丝量。 作为一名KOL,我主要利用推特、youtube、微信公众号等媒体 进行IPFS/Filecoin的文章内容创作及视频制作 同时我也经常活跃在各大社区进行IPFS&Filecoin知识传播及普及, 我希望通过自身努力,让更多人了解IPFS/Filecoin, 让更多人参与到去中心化数据存储的行列中来。


2022年,我经由New Web Group团队(或者其他团队及个人)

了解到Filecoin Orbit Community Program, 知道Orbit的使命是向更多人介绍Filecoin/IPFS. 这跟我的意志及想法不谋而合。 作为Web3 Kol,我深知社区的重要性 Orbit的成立为我提供了一个难得的机会



于我而言,深耕Web3行业,普及IPFS/Filecoin知识, 不仅仅是一种职业选择,更是一种自我价值的实现。

在过去1年多的时间, 我积极参与Web3行业各类活动及Orbit专场活动, 跟大众普及去中心化技术。 同时我还进行大量的内容创作,让更多人了解去中心化解决方案的好处。 我深知,一个人的力量是薄弱的。 未来,我也将积极联动其他热衷者、开发者和IPFS&Filecoin生态系统的专家 一同组织各种类型的活动,教育和激励他人拥抱去中心化存储


最后,诚挚希望能够加入Filecoin Orbit Community Ambassador Program 与社区成员一同为人类信息构建一个去中心化、高效、稳健的基础。

First Part:Self-introduction (Name, Role, Job Description, and Main Achievements)

Hello everyone, I am XX, a KOL dedicated to the development of the Filecoin & IPFS ecosystem. Currently, I have a total of 50,000+ followers across various major media platforms. As a KOL, I primarily use Twitter, YouTube, and WeChat public accounts to create content and produce videos about IPFS/Filecoin. I am also actively engaged in various communities to spread knowledge and promote awareness of IPFS & Filecoin, with the aim of encouraging more people to participate in the world of decentralized data storage.

Second Part:Connection with Orbit

In 2022, I learned about the Filecoin Orbit Community Program through the New Web Group team (or other teams and individuals) and discovered that Orbit's mission is to introduce a broader audience to Filecoin / IPFS. This perfectly aligns with my intentions and aspirations. As a Web3 KOL, I deeply understand the importance of community, and the establishment of Orbit has provided me with a rare opportunity and ignited greater potential within me.

Third Part:Future Plans (Summarize first, then outline the plans)

For me, delving deep into the Web3 industry and popularizing knowledge about IPFS/Filecoin is not just a career choice but also a realization of my self-worth. Over the past year, I have actively participated in various Web3 industry events and Orbit's specialized activities, promoting decentralized technologies to the public. Additionally, I have been extensively involved in content creation to educate more people about the benefits of decentralized solutions. I am well aware that an individual's power is limited. In the future, I also plan to actively collaborate with other enthusiasts, developers, and experts in the IPFS & Filecoin ecosystem to organize various types of activities, educating and inspiring others to embrace decentralized storage.

Last Part:Closing Remarks

In conclusion, I sincerely hope to join the Filecoin Orbit Community Ambassador Program and work together with community members to build a decentralized, efficient, and robust foundation for human information.